Please note the following details:

We have a limited capacity for the Dendritic Cell Symposium and expect that we will reach this capacity before the end of the registration and abstract submission deadline of December 31th, 2017. If we reach capacity, we will have to close registration and start a waiting list. So, if you are interested in attending we strongly encourage you to register early!

You have to register first in order to submit an abstract. Directly after registration you will receive the instructions for abstract submission by email.

All registered participants will receive a printed copy of the meeting program, including all abstracts and an index of participants. In addition, every participant will receive all abstracts of the Dendritic Cell Symposium as a pdf file via email or web-download several days before the symposium starts.

Standard registration: 300 €

After the registration you can pay the registration fee via bank transfer. If you do not pay your registration fee within 14 days of registration (until December 31th, 2017 latest) or do not submit an abstract your registration will be cancelled.

Please use the following account details:
Account holder: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Immunologie e.V.
IBAN: DE98 3006 0601 2008 8141 71
Credit institution: Deutsche Apotheker- und Ärztebank
Reference: Meeting AKDC 2018, Name of participant

Click here to start your registration

Please submit your abtract after registration by email. Please refer to Abstracts.

Cancellation Policy

Notification of cancellation must be made in writing and sent by e-mail to the organizers. The notification must include all the relevant bank account details to which a possible refund may be remitted.

If the written notification of cancellation is received before December 22rd 2017, a handling fee of 20.00 EUR will be charged. For cancellations received until January 8th 2018 50% of the paid registration fee will be refunded. No refunds will be made for cancellations received after this date.

Refund requests will only be processed after the congress. They must be made in writing and sent to the meeting organizers by email or fax no later than 30 days after the congress. No refund request will be processed after this date. Credit will not be given for unattended events or early termination of attendance.

Registration Name Change

A handling fee of 20.00 EUR will be charged for every name change to an existing meeting registration. Name changes will only be accepted by January 8th 2018 when submitted via email. Indicate the new and old names as well as the new contact details (address, fax, email). After the above deadline, all name changes must be carried out on-site and cannot be included in the abstract book.